I love Stuffed Zucchini Blossoms!
I got out early Saturday morning to beat the heat and the crowds at our farmers market, but it seems I wasn’t the only one with the idea, it was packed! The market was full of fresh local fruit and vegetables, (we’re still waiting for field grown Jersey tomatoes) it was a glorious sight!
Along with the produce, we also have a nice assortment of other culinary delights, with a free-range meat and egg vendor, and a clam truck, selling little necks and top neck clams. Normally I buy our clams at Wegman’s every week, and for farm-raised clams they’re pretty darn good and very consistent. I bought a bag of little necks and it’s been so long since I’ve had wild caught clams that I’d forgotten just how good they were! Needless to say, I’ll be buying clams at the farmers market for the rest of the summer!

But of course, the highlight of my day was finally finding my precious at our farmer’s market! The first blossoms of the year are always a special treat, and we savored each and every bite!
I’ve seen grilled pizza here and there, but not being a master griller, I thought I would try my hand at a more conventional approach using my pizza stone. I heated my grill using all four burners and then shut down the middle two to use a more indirect method of heating. Well, that didn’t work as well as I hoped, after 12 minutes the pizza still wasn’t done, so I cranked up the other two burners and that did the trick. I got some great color on the pie, and the bottom of the pizza was almost perfect.
You might also like my recipes for ten delicious appetizers.
If you’ve tried my Pizza or Zucchini Blossom recipe or any other recipe on askchefdennis.com please don’t forget to rate the recipe and let me know where you found it in the comments below, I love hearing from you! You can also FOLLOW ME on Instagram @chefdenniseats and @chefdennistravels, Twitter and Facebook
Laura @ Family Spice says
I need to try grilling a pizza. And I really need to try squash blossoms!! So much to do and what to do first?!
DB-The Foodie Stuntman says
Not sure if you need to work on your technique because this looks good as is…
Kim - Liv Life says
Oh, how I wish we could share some of your heat. Maybe not all of it… but I’ll take a few degrees off of your hands! We have been gray, drizzly and dreary for weeks and I’m SO ready for summer!
As for the pizza on the grill, I don’t do it any other way!
ellenbcookery says
That pizza looks awesome. I’m drooling at the computer screen!
Stephanie @ Eat. Drink. Love. says
Ha! I live in FL and the only time I see armadillos is when they are roadkill on the side of the road :/
I love white pizzas so this is right down my alley!
Gerry @ Foodness Gracious says
I really have to check out your blossoms recipe, I love those and always have them if I can at a local place I love to go to. They stuff them with some sort of ricotta mixture..
Great meal!
Jody @ the hobby room says
Don’t retire to Florida, retire to the PNW! We have no armadillos and LOTS of wild, fresh shellfish. Also not a lot of heat to get used to. It’s perfect. I am planning to stuff zucchini blossoms this year, but they are slow in coming and I’m getting impatient. Yours look so delicious.
Kimby says
Chef Dennis, your grilled pizza looks like it turned out wonderfully. Also smiling about your armadillo observations! We have ’em here, but they keep their distance. Maybe if I grill some pizza, they’ll come closer. 🙂
Paula @ Vintage Kitchen Notes says
The idea of ricotta on grilled pizza sounds amazing. Should try it, though our grilling season is far away, the oven stone might do a nice job. LOL on the armadillo story!