Chocolate Pate is a wonderful thing, bittersweet, semi-sweet, milk or yes even the non-chocolate white chocolate…..there’s just something so special about chocolate. We can be having a bad day and something chocolate can cheer us up. Life just seems a little better when a piece of chocolate slowly melts in your mouth, making all your endorphins go crazy…. simply magical!

A few weeks ago I had grabbed one of my older cookbooks and an index card fell out. It read Chocolate Pate, I had not seen that card in quite awhile, and not thought about that silky melt in your mouth piece of chocolate heaven……sigh
It was about 20 years ago, I had been working at a small Italian restaurant that a friend had opened and somehow talked me into writing the menu and opening the restaurant for him. He wanted regional Italian, and that’s what he got in all its glory…..but sadly we were just a little ahead of our time, many of the dishes were simply not recognized.
We were going against a small chain of what I like to call Fugazi Italian or American Italian, but that’s what the area had been told was Italian food, and it would take a miracle to change their minds. We did well finding our own little niche, but never quite acquired the business necessary to really take us into prominence, but I had fun and that’s all that really matters!
I guess you’re wondering what this has to do with chocolate pate? The recipe came from our bartender ( a retired Philadelphia Policeman), who had become a good friend, it had been passed down to him from his Nonna and he said he could think of no one better to entrust his family treasure too.
I know you’ll enjoy the silky smooth texture of this wonderful pate, and whether you enjoy it with an espresso or just by itself, it will be a decadent indulgence that will make a bad day into a better day, and bring a smile to your face…and that my friends is worth every calorie!
If you enjoyed this recipe you may like these:
- Chocolate Truffles and Chocolate Dipped Fruit
- Vegan Chocolate Fudge Cake
- Triple Chocolate Pecan Fudge Brownies
- Chocolate Cheesecake Bars
Kita says
I have never had chocolate pate Chef. What is is like? Is it wrong to think it would be similar to fudge? Either way, you could always send me some to taste test – girls and chocolate after all ๐
The whole ad thing makes me feel like Im in over my head. I need to send some emails ask some questions sort of thing. But its hard to even know what to ask.
Monet says
Hi sweet man…I’m so sorry I’ve been absent here. My sweet Grammy has been seriously ill in the hospital, and with the loss of Mike, we’ve been going non-stop. I’m so glad to see this sweet treat! What a unique way to celebrate chocolate. I’ve never thought of doing a pate before. Thank you for sharing with me. As I sit down with a bowl of cereal (pretzels in the oven), I’m glad I visited!
Sofie Dittmann @thegermanfoodie says
We had a similar experience, just not w/ pseudo-Italian vs. the real thing. It’s frustrating as hell, but it has nevertheless made me a better baker and cook.
Dionne Baldwin says
Oh goodness if the chocolate pate wasn’t enough you had to mention espresso! Be still my beating tastebuds! Lord knows I don’t need any more coffee!
Thank you for all that you do. I am not impressed with the amount of scams coming through to our emails and I think it’s sad that people will stoop so low. That is a shame.
I wanted to leave you a comment to let you know I’m thinking of you and I haven’t disappeared completely! ๐
Carolyn says
Chocolate pate…wow, I am in heaven! Love that the dark chocolate has Chambord in it!
In Katrina's Kitchen says
Hey Dennis- I love the recipe and chat as always! I just wanted to let you know that BlogHer let’s you opt out of those floating ads if you want. Also they let you know which specific ads are coming up and you can opt out of any ones that you want! I love that! You can even choose to not run ads for a specific category, say like processed foods, vegetarian, religious, political, etc.
Chef D says
Thanks so much for letting me know, that just takes away any reason to change. Its always good to know you have options!
In Katrina's Kitchen says
Of course! Pop me an email if you ever need to know more. I only just joined BH in December but it feels like home. ๐
Lacy @ NYCityEats says
Chocolate pate! Oh yum!! This looks ridiculously good. After reading the white chocolate recipe I think I need to go out & get some ingredients…Kahlua! Yes please!
abigail says
i work at a restaurant and in the summer i make a dark chocolate pate and make a deconstructed smores. it sells like crazy
La Diva Cucina says
Hi Chef Dennis, every time I come by your blog (which hasn’t been often lately, I’m sorry to say!), I’m always drooling, no surprise here! I would like to comment on the end of your post.
I am an ex ad exec and am wondering why people need to use any of those groups like foodbuzz at all? Is it to get more readership or make money? Maybe I’m not understanding but if it’s to make money, why make pennies off of these companies when you can just sell the ads on your page yourself? Like to a local cafe? Or deli? You have control over what you charge and ads you want to run.
As far as solicitation goes, I get asked to do guest posts but barely have time to write my own. I don’t accept any gifts from any food companies whatsoever, I want complete control over my blog. I couldn’t even adhere to Meatless Mondays because I didn’t feel compelled to cook vegetarian every Monday and the meal itself didn’t always warrant a blog post. I see another blogger that I used to read frequently has now turned into a free advertiser for Kraft she posts so much of their crap on her page.
I will also not participate in any online recipe contests, no one is getting my intellectual property for free. I will not vote for anyone either as I find it turns into a popularity contest and the people running it pick whom they want anyway and now have loads of free content supplied by you, the sucker.
My blog is about what I want to cook and what I want to write about, period. There are so many bloggers out there now but only a handful that are making any money. I’m not sure I like to think of it as that but a form of expression, it helps with my company branding and also my web presence. I appreciate your thoughts and posts!
Chef D says
I agree with you absolutely! You know I write these posts at the end of my day, and I meant to touch on local ads, I always recommend them to people who ask. I think it would be for a more specific type of blogger though, one that has more of a local following.
I don’t mind an occasional post for a company as long as its something I already use, but I just can’t pretend to use something and lie to my readers about it.
Thanks for reaffirming my beliefs!
La Diva Cucina says
Dennis, I agree the product you endorse should be something you already use!
And yes, you are right about the local following but it doesn’t have to be a local advertiser. I guess people don’t realize they can call the marketing department of companies on their own. Or if there is a brand you like to use, support it and have them pay you to be on your site, numbers and stats will have to be supplied. Myself, I don’t like any ads on my website or blog…kind of like Julia Child, La Diva Cucina does not endorse anything except good cooking! Have a great day!
Mary says
I love all of the info here, Chef Dennis. I’ve steered clear of advertising so far, simply because I doubt that I’d make anything that would be worth the hassle. Who knows though? maybe someday I’ll feel differently.
The chocolate pate sounds absolutely heavenly and I love the story that came with it!
Natalie@DeconstructingTheHome says
Uhm, chocolate; yes please! This looks very delicious! In regards to sponsored give-aways and such I think there is a fine balance. I’m looking for more recipes on a food blog than giveaways, unless you can do both in one post. And, balance applies to ads too! If I can’t see your message through the billboards it’s an issue for me. Thanks for all the great advice!
Kath says
I loved your last paragraph about ads! There are a couple of very well known bloggers that I quit following because of all of the ads and sponsored give-aways on their blogs. It’s a real turn-off to me.
Your chocolate pate looks heavenly!
Cucina49 says
That pate looks gorgeous…and I always look forward to the weekly installment of Ask Chef Dennis!
Rebecca@A Dusting of Sugar says
Nomnomnom. Is it different than fudge?
Jenn and Seth (@HomeSkilletCook) says
thanks for posting the advice on advertising and soliciting, it is super helpful information! and this chocolate pate sounds DELICIOUS!