Homemade gelatos are the best and my cranberry and eggnog gelato are perfect for the holiday season.

Each recipe will make a little more than a quart of homemade gelato, and depending upon how you serve it could be for 1 person or up to 6.
If you’ve never made ice cream or gelato, you really don’t know what your missing. To me, the big difference in gelato is the use of mostly milk instead of heavy cream. I do use some heavy cream to help with the consistency, but if you use too much heavy cream it becomes too heavy and instead of the intense flavors of the main ingredient, the cream and the sugar become the star of the show.
A gelato maker does not put as much air into the finished product as does an ice cream maker and this helps intensify the flavors. You will find gelato recipes that call for a custard don’t seem as flavorful as the easy version. What could be easier than mixing up your ingredients and in just a few minutes? After that, the machine does all the work.
If you love Gelato you might also like these recipes:
If you’ve tried my Gelato recipes or any other recipe on askchefdennis.com please don’t forget to rate the recipe and let me know where you found it in the comments below, I love hearing from you! You can also FOLLOW ME on Instagram @chefdenniseats and @chefdennistravels, Twitter and Facebook
Elyse @The Cultural Dish says
Eggnog and cranberry gelato!! Yes please!
Kath says
I’m not a huge eggnog fan, but I am so excited to try the cranberry gelato! I made way too much cranberry sauce for Thanksgiving, and this will be a perfect way to use some of it!
deana@lostpastremembered says
I just got the ice cream maker of my dreams after years of struggling with the put in the freezer type. 15 minutes and I have 2 cups of ice cream… whoa what a difference. Will definitely try the eggnog ice cream as I love it so. Can’t imagine anything better for apple and pumpkin pies.
Suzi says
If I had a gelato maker I would make the eggnog right now. I bet the cranberry is really tasty too, made from fresh cranberry sauce. I think you may have gotten everyone wanting to use their machine or go out and get one. Cheers!!
Lora ~ cakeduchess says
Oh my gelato goodness! You had to make two! Your photos are so pretty and your gelatos look absolutely deliziosi! 🙂
Jen says
Oh my goodness, I used to LOVE Turkey Hill ice cream! I used to get it when I was in college in PA, and I still have dreams about eating their Peppermint Ice Cream again! Looks delicious chef.
Kiri W. says
Wow, the eggnog ice cream sounds to die for! One day, I;ll play around with a gelato/ice cream maker!
Jill Colonna says
Denis, this does look incredibly delicious and ideal for this time of year. You know, I’ve still never had Eggnog so high time I tried it in ice cream at least, since on an ice cream craze just now for some reason. Cranberry, too? Love the combination.
Lisa @ Tarte du Jour says
Be still my heart… what fabulous gelato! I am a huge gelato enthusiast along with my family. We have spent many years searching for a gelato that comes close the the goodness we tasted once in Florence years back (to no avail) So needless to say I’ve started trying to make it myself. I adore your interesting flavors… very chic of you, Chef Dennis!
Alyssa says
When I recently made sweet potato and eggnog ice cream recently, I came across the same thing as you while searching recipes for inspiration. All of them had the instructions for making the eggnog, but I wanted one that used the eggnog I already had. This looks like a great gelato! I don’t care for eggnog, but my husband does the same thing. As soon as he sees it, he buys tons and then never drinks it. I’ll be trying your recipe as well! I do have a question…what’s the difference between a gelato maker and ice cream maker? Great post with beautiful photos!
Chef D says
Hi Alyssa
from what I’ve read the gelato maker does not put as much air into the mixture which makes it more dense and more flavorful. My guess would be because your not using as much cream is that there is no need to whip it quite so much. All I know is that Gelato flavors always seem so much more intense.
anne says
I’ve have been checking the price of gelato maker but *sigh* 😀 so i’ll just settle for my ice cream maker for now 😛 . Just made some strawberry ice cream 😀 but still drooling over that lovely flavors 😉 Great photos , too !
Jessica says
Im making Gelao for a school preoject and im using my ice cream maker. this will be my second time for this school project and the ice cream maker works good for Gelato! My dad said instead of making ice cream with the ice cream maker he think Gelato should be the new ice cream in the house. haha I like his thinking.
Dionne Baldwin says
I would love both of these delicious gelatos to smear in between two cookies for a sandwich! MMM MMM MMM! Ice creams and gelatos are something that we really appreciate in my house but seldom make.
You know, I do love the taste of eggnog but I dislike it cold in a glass. It’s either got to be steamed or frozen like this. I’m going to have to give this a try!
Boulder Locavore says
Yummy! There nothing more telltale of this time of the year than Egg Nog. Making it yourself and in this form is perfect. The cranberry gelato sounds fantastic too and a wonderful seasonal alternative to all the dishes we’ve just enjoyed for Thanksgiving. I’m hearing a Christmas carol in my head as I read…..though it was 60 here too today. Feels like anything but almost December! Great post and recipes as always (awesome photos too; love the single flavor ‘glamour shots’!)
Amy says
These both sound wonderful Dennis! Especially the eggnog gelato though! I love eggnog, but I think some eggnog gelato with some warm apple crisp sounds even more delicious! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving :)!
dudut @mytwistedrecipe says
lovely! i wish i have my own gelato maker :'(