Grilled Sweet Sausage Sandwich

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When its time for a meal in a sandwich, try my Grilled Sweet Sausage, Grilled Cheese Sandwich!

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WHAT INGREDIENTS DO I NEED TO MAKE Grilled Sweet Sausage Sandwich?

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– Sourdough bread  – Yellow American cheese – Sweet Italian sausage – Unsalted butter

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Split 4 links of sweet sausage, remove the skin and grill on both sides until completely cooked, then set aside.


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Begin building your sandwiches by placing four slices of sourdough bread on the counter.

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Place two of the split links of grilled sweet sausage on one of the slices of sourdough, then repeat making one more topped slice.

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Top the two finished sandwiches halves, with the other piece of sourdough that you have cheese already on.

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